Our Blog

Mitsidi Projectos Founder Edward Borgstein discusses how working with Mustard Design Agency has benefited his organisation

Developing the site with Mustard Design Agency has really helped us define clearly what we are and what sort of work we do – something we had not done previously.

The branding, visuals and translation of the site started to bring the team to work together as a unit, rather than each one working on disparate projects. For the first time, we presented ourselves as an entity, rather than as a loose group of consultants. Having this unified “face” is essential for winning corporate work rather than the R&D stuff we have mostly been focusing on.

The recognisable name and easy website are turning a lot of website hits into phone calls, with people, enterprises and companies wanting to involve us in projects. For example, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development saw a presentation I gave, went onto the site and invited Mitsidi to participate as an entity in a project they are running to lead transformational change in energy efficiency in Rio de Janeiro.


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